On December 10, aggressor-controlled“media” began broadcasting an “appeal to Putin” allegedly from residents of two villages in the Varnaut Valley, Honcharne (Varnaut) and Reserve (Muskomya), located near Cape Aya and classified as lands of occupied Sevastopol. The essence of the “petition” is that on the territory of these two foothill villages the occupiers “have identified a new city cemetery” for 16 thousand people, after which, as local residents say, their water in their wells will be poisoned.

Let us note that the Varnaut Valley has been a “cursed place” for the occupiers since 2014: the seizure of the peninsula led to the fact that all plans for the improvement of the mentioned villages with a total population of 700 people were stopped, including the design of water supply and sewerage. At the same time, since the occupiers did not intend to build a water supply system, automatically no expenses at all were envisaged for the “development of social infrastructure” in these two villages. However, there was water in the villages, but in the form of a well on the territory of the aggressor’s military unit, as well as in wells drilled in areas that key Sevastopol collaborators began to actively “cut” for themselves in the valley above the villages.

Therefore, neither the very fact of the current “revolt on the knees”, nor its broadcast by the occupation “media”, nor the “sudden” statement of Mikhail Razvozhaev on December 11 about “provocateurs” and that there will not only be no cemetery, but allegedly “it was not planned,” and the criminal administration allegedly simply “decided to expand the rural filled cemeteries,” which, however, would clearly have survived any “spike in mortality” of the few valley inhabitants.

It is obvious that the occupiers’ plans for a new cemetery for Sevastopol “cannon fodder” simply rested on the interests of specific “respected beneficiaries” of the Varnaut Valley, both from the close circle of Razvozhaev and his predecessors, and a new graveyard will be “installed” by occupiers in some other inconspicuous foothill tract.

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