As the “Center for Investigative Journalism” reported on November 27, in , the aggressor is expanding criminal “training courses for drone operators” in occupied Sevastopol. For example, in the fake “Sevastopol State University” they offer “to master the profession of a drone operator” for 32.5 thousand rubles in “advanced training courses.” Similarly, the criminal “Nakhimov School” “organized courses for schoolchildren aged 8 to 17 years” for “5 months and 27.5 thousand rubles.” The criminal “Maritime Innovation Center” of the “regional branch of DOSAAF” is also engaged in similar activities, and “with funds from the Russian Federation Presidential Grants Fund” amounting to “almost six million rubles.”

In this project, the occupiers are “preparing to train” “more than 400 child drone operators aged 11 to 16 years” in five months, both from the occupied peninsula and the occupied mainland. These “DOSAAF” structures in occupied Sevastopol are linked to a certain collaborator Natalya Shevchuk, and in addition to her criminal activities, a branch of the “private training and sports center “Krug” from Khimki near Moscow operates in the city, offering “three types of courses: drone operator for 30 thousand rubles” , and also for 55 thousand – “drone operator-analyst” and “anti-drone specialist”.

Also in Sevastopol there is a “branch of the Aviation Training Center named after USSR pilot-cosmonaut Igor Volk,” from Kaluga, which also “trains drone operators” for 35 thousand rubles for “civilians”; at the same time, a number of the described structures also conduct training for the aggressor’s military personnel. Thus, occupied Sevastopol did not become, as the criminal “governor” Mikhail Razvozhaev promised, a factory for the aggressor’s drones, but it is gradually turning into a criminal factory of cannon fodder for them.

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