As recent events show, the criminal “blogger” Alexander Talipov, who serves the occupiers, most likely has finally “become himself,” and no longer particularly hides his behavioral pathologies or views. On November 2, he posted a video with minor residents of Yalta captured by punitive occupiers, allegedly for distributing Ukrainian symbols, combining it with corresponding unambiguous hints and threats.

Let us recall that we have previously written repeatedly about Talipov’s deep, psychiatric deviations, which accidentally surfaced in 2021 as part of the struggle between clans of collaborators among themselves, when photos and videos of intimate correspondence between this “seal of the Russian spring” and a disabled woman were published.

However, the fact that the aggressor does not hesitate to use pedophiles, zoophiles and other “specific individuals” for his propaganda is not surprising; the only noteworthy thing here is that Talipov, in addition to an almost open demonstration of his “special needs”, criminally declared on November 3 that “Israel, led by its leaders, is the reincarnation of the Nazis” and it “no longer has the right to exist”. Previously, Talipov tried to publicly “justify” Hamas’s sophisticated killings of Israeli children and pregnant women, clearly regretting that he did not personally take part in such atrocities.

Something tells us that Israel will not collapse from such provocations of the Kremlin puppets, but then, when the conflict in the Middle East subsides, those “persons with special needs” who have survived until that moment, among the notorious anti-Semites, may receive lifelong “unique opportunities for their implementation”, naturally under the careful supervision of relevant Israeli specialists and in the appropriate closed institutions.

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