On August 6, the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergey Aksyonov announced the next replacement of the criminal “general director” of the fake “Krymenergo”, from Andrei Tsurkanenko to Vyacheslav Gaiduk, saying that he “take the situation at the enterprise under personal control”. We analyzed the criminal activities of “Krymenergo” before the start of large-scale aggression, and at that time, starting in 2017, the “directors” of Krymenergo changed like gloves.

At the same time, the Kremlin’s “Rosseti” was then looking for a way to “consolidate” “Krymenergo” through shell companies and offshore companies to evade sanctions. Also, as part of the further militarization of the peninsula, the invaders planned to “strengthen the networks” including the reconstruction of the “rear southern transit” – a 110 kilovolt power line along the Southern coast of Crimea. At the same time, “Krymenergo” actively “credited” from the bank of the oligarch Yuliy Kovalchuk “Rossiya”, which we have repeatedly described.

However, after the obvious recent “catching up” from Marat Khusnullin against the backdrop of “complete lawlessness” from “Krymenergo”, which, as people say on social networks, set unprecedented corruption “fees” for “connecting objects”, the only option for Aksyonov was “imitation of a violent activities”. It should be noted that the new “director” was previously an “individual entrepreneur” in the occupied Kerch in the field of “electrical installation work”, through which 12.5 million rubles were “laundered” under a “state contract” in the village of Bagerovo on such an “electrical” topic as “development of a project documentation” for the alleged “repair of the distributing water supply system”. At the same time, the “director” uses an email shared with the criminal structure “Kerchrybprom”, which does not exclude interests in the “appointment” of Gaiduk from the beneficiaries of the fishery mafia.

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