As the aggressor’s propaganda “happily reported” in the occupiers-controlled “Simferopol Art Museum”, an “exhibition of the project” “WashigraphPhoto” was opened, allegedly “acquainting 20 representatives of the Japan Photography Association with the unique works”.

On this occasion, the criminal “assistant to the permanent representative” of the occupiers, Yuri Didenko, did not fail to arrange a selfie show, saying that “Crimea and Japan have long-standing ties” and that “within the framework of” the “Russia-Japan” society, allegedly “more than one Japanese delegation was received” .

However, in fact, this “WashigraphPhoto” exhibition was opened in Orenburg back in 2021, and in the future, it was the local regional museum of fine arts that began to “rent the exposition”, which since 2022, for well-known reasons, has nothing to do with Japan.

Is it worth specifying that neither at the “opening of the exhibition” in the occupied Crimea on August 4, nor later, not a single Japanese aggressor against the background of “photographs on washi paper, which is traditionally made from bamboo, hemp, rice and wheat, as well as from mulberry fibers and shrubs mitsumata” could not demonstrate.

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