As UaSouth reported on July 4, as of 2023, 60 % of the Crimean Tatars left the Russia-occupied Henichesk district of the Kherson region, out of 8 thousand, a little more than 3 thousand now remain, and now this part of the Crimean Tatar people is dispersed from the Ukraine-controlled part of Zaporizhzhya Region and from Kyiv to the Czech Republic , Germany and Ireland.

It is indicated that the Henichesk district is mostly inhabited by residents who are now 80-90 years old, and by their children who care for them are also people of retirement age.

Among other things, it is stated that the Russian occupiers confiscated dozens of houses of Crimean Tatars in Novooleksiivka and placed officers of the occupying army in them, and that the occupiers actually set up headquarters in the house of a member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Gulnara Bekirova and her husband.

Also, the Russian invaders “confiscated” the house of the head of the regional Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Lenur Lyumanov, the director of the local school, and the invaders live in it now.

The publication states that Russia is carrying out genocide of the Ukrainian population in the occupied territory, replacing it with immigrants not only from its poor regions, but also from the countries of Central Asia.

Those who have not yet been squeezed out by repressions, Russia kills physically, as it happened after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

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