On the morning of June 24, various, often contradictory information about the development of the “Wagner” armed rebellion was posted in the aggressor-controlled “media” and on social networks, but it is more or less reliable that traffic from central Russia in the direction of the south of the country was generally blocked, including the M 4 highway “Don” Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov, along which the aggressor moved goods to the territories, occupied by the Russian Federation.

At the same time, Crimean propagandists were forced to declare that “due to unforeseen situations, the actions of PMC Wagner, deliveries are under threat” to the Russia-occupied Crimea. And we are talking not only about cargo from central Russia, but also about the so-called “land corridor” to the occupied Crimea going through Rostov-on-Don, where important events of the rebellion are clearly taking place.

The “criminal war correspondents” of the aggressor add that Russian “aviation began to work along the M4 highway”, concluding that “the land corridor to Crimea will be closed”.
Declaring this, the criminal Anatoly Tsurkin did not forget to ask the “authorities of the Krasnodar Territory” “temporarily … to allow entry to the Kerch ferry crossing of all types of cargo for delivery to the peninsula”; we must recall that earlier the “priority” and types of cargo were the subject of bidding and enrichment by various groups controlled by the Kremlin.

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