Earlier, we wrote about the activation of fake illegal “veterans’ organizations” of the current Russian aggression in the occupied territories. In particular, the criminal “boyevoye bratstvo” (“combat brotherhood”) was pointed out, which in the occupied Sevastopol is being promoted by the fake “deputy of the assembly” Vasily Zubenko, associated with the “Moscow Region Clan” of Borys Gromov, who “had his eye” on a number of “appetizing objects” of the seaside real estate of Sevastopol.

Now the criminal “boyevoye bratstvo” has surfaced in the context of provocative trips of Crimean collaborators to the occupied part of the Kherson Region, namely Yevgen Pichugin, Zaur Smirnov, Eskender Bilyalov, Ivan Shonus and Odysseus Pipius.

These Russian secret services’ scams, connected with attempts to flirt with the ethnic groups of the Kherson region, were now “highly noted” in the criminal letters of the Kherson collaborator Igor Telegin, an old accomplice of Vladimir Saldo, who now calls himself the criminal “head of the Kherson’s” “boyevoye bratstvo”.

Telegin is an old puppet of the “Russian world”, who participated in various Kremlin’s subversive actions until 2014, including the shooting of propaganda films.

Kherson social activists have repeatedly written about Telegin’s craving for lies about his “heroic past” as an alleged “veteran of the war in Afghanistan” and about the collaborator’s painful love for “his awards”, which in fact he never received.

It is characteristic that the criminal ideas of the aggressor’s “veterans’ organizations” are being promoted by the “Crimean volunteer” Valeria Petrusevich, notorious for her connections in black transplantation, and the aforementioned Pichugin and his “team of opportunities” were described by us back in the spring of 2022 as her criminal accomplices in the corresponding provocations of the aggressor’s punishers.

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