According to social networks, in April 2023, “clouds began to gather” on the occupied peninsula over the illegal “chief veterinarian”, collaborator Valery Ivanov.

Russian invaders’ punishers “thoughtfully study” a scheme as simple as an orange – under the auspices of Ivanov, multimillion “subsidies” were written off, allegedly “for the acquisition, maintenance and slaughter” of livestock, mainly cattle. Long-suffering cows were “marked” several times and then “destroyed” in various districts of the Crimea, and mostly “on paper”.

Collaborator Ivanov for many years “made a career” under the auspices of the “Russian world”, in particular, before the occupation, he was noted as a “specialist” in the “Russian community of Crimea” and in the “Russian cultural center”, and until 2010 he was f Deputy of the Crimean Verkhovna Rada in “this vein”.

Since 2015, Ivanov has been illegally engaged in “Crimean veterinary medicine” in various fake “positions”, and in particular, he “became famous” for his crazy options for the mass death of birds in the Sea of Azov, as well as for his call in 2020 to solve the problem of Dzhankoy stray dogs “quietly”, that is, by their banal destruction.

However, it is obvious that it was not the love for the “cleaning service” and “dead souls”, although for cows, which is so close to the spirit of the “Russian world”, that caused Ivanov’s current problems.

In fact, he was one of the key perpetrators in the persecution, within the framework of the collaborators’ “interspecies struggle”, of the notorious Crimean “master of the zoos” collaborator Oleg Zubkov.

Now Zubkov has become an important criminal “mouthpiece” of propaganda for the aggressor, with constant manipulative “animal evacuations” from the occupied regions of mainland Ukraine, and he apparently was able to find among his curators in the Russian special services “the time and desire” to get even with Ivanov.

How the described situation of “spiders in the bank” will end, the near future will show.

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