On April 4, one could observe the aggressor’s hasty propaganda measures related to the deported Ukrainian children.

“Krym 24”, a occupiers-controlled “Crimean channel”, issued a report from the seized Yevpatoria sanatorium “Promenisty” (“Лучистый”, “Radiant”), where some children from the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions were “suddenly found”.

The aggressor’s propaganda announced the return of 24 children to their parents, whose presence in Yevpatoriya was previously denied by the occupiers.

Maria Lvova-Belova, Putin’s commissioner “for the rights of the child”, who got into the order of the International Criminal Court for the deportation of children, said that “now parents are taking a large group of children from Crimea,” while the criminal bosses is naturally not going to stop participating in the genocide of Ukrainians.

It follows from the statements of the same Lvova-Belova, that under the control of Russia there are many abducted children who are planned to be Russified, and the aggressor does not intend to transfer the abducted orphans to their legal guardians and trustees.

The “Crimean show” with the return of a group of children was organized by the aggressor for a reason. Trying to “hush up the issue” of the atrocities already committed and the ICC order, Russia on April 5, abusing its “powers” in the UN, decided to hold a meeting of the UN Security Council dedicated to deported children, declaring Lvova-Belova and her criminal “colleague” from occupied Donetsk as speaker there.

However, the British mission to the UN blocked Lvova-Belova’s speech online on the UN web resources, indicating that if this person has something to say about the stolen children, then she can do it in The Hague. The very fact of Russia’s attempt to organize a presentation at the UN by a person wanted by an international court in itself exhaustively characterizes the Kremlin’s attitude towards the United Nations.

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