On March 3, the Kremlin issued yet another criminal Decree No. 139 as part of its attempts to provide economic support for large-scale Russian aggression.

In it, the aggressor’s authorities promise, “until martial law is lifted” “to suspend the powers of shareholders and management of business entities that violate their obligations under the state defense order”.

As follows from Putin’s decree, in the event of “companies violating their obligations under defense contracts, including the supply of products”, “until martial law is lifted” for “such business entities, a managing organization will be determined”.

In this context, it is worth pointing out that the actual “martial law” was criminally “introduced” by the Russian aggressor in the occupied mainland territories of Ukraine, and not in the occupied Crimea or in Russia itself.

But this criminal decree No. 139 should not be ruled out not only as an instrument of propaganda and “confiscation”, but in fact – looting of enterprises in mainland Ukraine, but also as a form of a new illegal “transfer” of the Crimean “enterprises” involved in the criminal “defense order”.

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