In February, the aggressor-controlled “media” in the Russia-occupied Sevastopol were “forced to remember” the gradual destruction of a pistachio grove during the illegal laying of an underground gas pipeline to the nine-story “Riviera” residential complex, which was also illegally rebuilt in the Omega beach area, which became the “Aquatoria” apartments” .
Naturally, we are talking here about the maximum “milking” of the illegal developer, whose interests are served by the same illegal companies “SZ Omega-NV”, “Sevastopol Construction Company”, “Tekhgazstroy” and the criminal “unitary enterprise” “Sevastopolgaz”.
However, the criminal “Sevastopol gas businessman”, whom we have repeatedly described also have larger-scale illegal “commercial plans”.
So, we are talking about the project of the “ring gas pipeline from the gas distribution station-1 through Balaklava and Fiolent to Kazachya Bay”, which the Russian occupiers have been talking about since 2019 and for which they announced a “write-off” of 1.5 billion rubles, in particular through the Moscow company “Yamalspetsstroy”; while the occupiers are “mastering” the funds for the “draft of project”.
The aggressor does not forget about the illegal “object, the construction of which was started quite recently”, namely the gas pipeline, which will pass along the bottom of the Sevastopol Bay, with plans to “master” more than 3.66 billion rubles, the criminal “contract” about which with the company “Beltruboprovodstroy” has already been covered by our Association.