Crimean collaborators constantly declare that the aggressor’s criminal experience on the occupied peninsula will be applied to the occupied territories of mainland Ukraine. In this context, one can point to the emerging scams with theft of property in the Russia-occupied part of the Kherson Region, the main criminal perpetrators of which are quite typical.

Thus, the plunder of state, communal and private property is carried out by the occupiers by tools of a criminal “institution” in illegal “registries”, and very often already with “new owners”.

This illegal process goes through the aggressor’s criminal “department of the Ministry of Justice”, which is “directed” by Stanislav Stankevich, a career employee of the Russian special services, previously used by them for propaganda purposes, as an alleged participant in the “hostage release”, “veteran of Alpha” and “combat operations in the Caucasus” etc.

However, in addition to Stankevich, the Russian invaders are planning to conduct scams with seized property through the criminal “Territory Development Fund”, the criminal “director” of which is Andrei Popov from Tomsk, who was actively engaged in illegal “business” in the occupied Crimea.

In the occupiers’ “registers” the companies “Gazremstroy” and “Ecoprovaid” with addresses in the occupied Simferopol and “Opttorgyug” from Novorossiysk are “tied with him”. At the same time, Popov is listed in “Ecoprovaid” together with the Alushta “petty swindler” Vladislav Tenya, but in “Gazremstroy”, Popov’s fake “co-founder” is Valentina Kravchenko, who has long been featured as a “director” and “founder” of a significant number of “Crimean enterprises” in various fields.

These “enterprises” are united by the active participation in them of Vitaly Faingold, the son of the Simferopol “authoritative entrepreneur” and millionaire, former city council deputy Iosif Faingold.
Before the start of the occupation, there were nine criminal cases against Feingold Sr., and his son appeared as the culprit of a fatal traffic accident; the mentioned Kravchenko is most likely the wife of the Faingolds’ accomplice, Vladimir Kravchenko.

Thus, individual Crimean bandits and their Russian accomplices plan to actively participate in the looting of the property of the occupied part of the Kherson Region by the aggressor.

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