On January 9, information was spread that the aggressor had declared a political PR person from Krasnoyarsk, Sergei Tolmachev, as a fake “deputy governor of the Zaporizhzha region”, about whom we had repeatedly written earlier.

In 2021, Tolmachev was illegally “imported” to the occupied Sevastopol by the fake “governor” Mikhail Razvozhaev, and since then he has been “marked” in the tragicomic attempts of “information support”, due to which he has “grown” to the criminal “position of deputy governor”.

It is noteworthy that the once-famous comedy film “Election Day” was filmed on the “Siberian impromptu” of Tolmachev’s PR team, and the “PR man” himself was known in Krasnoyarsk for the immoderate consumption of cocaine, and in quite specific, even for “Russian bohemia” forms, as well as in connection with the use of frankly pornographic narratives in their “PR actions”.

Among the Tolmachev’s “Sevastopol initiatives”, in addition to the fake “search for dolphins released into the sea”, it is worth noting the “trying on” for Razvozhaev the image of a certain “modern Stalin”, as well as fake “chief in air defense”, which caused the expected sarcasm in all readers of these “masterpieces” of the occupiers’ propaganda.

Also, Tolmachov disgraced himself in the “case with leaflets”, which were allegedly “dropped” on the positions of the Ukrainian Army with references to the occupiers’ propaganda channels, predictably without any result.

At the same time, Tolmachov has been involved by the occupiers since May 2022 in the criminal looting of Ukrainian property in the occupied Starobilsk, and also in the autumn – in the criminal propaganda “securing” of the criminal and fake “referendum” in the occupied Melitopol.

For the aggressor, Tolmachov’s new role is also a criminal attempt to “strengthen” the Russian invaders’ criminal “Melitopol team”, whose “talking heads” have long become heroes of memes as part of the flow of absurdity that they constantly broadcast.

On the other hand, until recently, Razvozhaev’s “competitors” were spreading “insiders” that it was Tolmachev who allegedly would “replace” him in the criminal role of “governor” in the occupied Sevastopol.

Now Razvozhaev obviously can “sleep well” for some short time, since this “best competitor” has been criminally “transferred to another front”.

It is obvious that this criminal issue was connected with the illegal “Christmas visit” of the “Kremlin curators”, Andrei Turchak and Sergei Kiriyenko to the Russia-occupied Sevastopol

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