On the occasion of Ukraine’s co-authorship in the UN Human Rights Council resolution on “HumanRights to Safe Water and Sanitation”, which notes the importance of access to safe, clean, drinkingwater for the realization of everyone’s rights, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry specified its position onCrimean water rights.
It is stated that under the Russian aggression and occupation of a part of the Ukrainian territory, theissue of access to water became especially important for our state.
It is stated that the overexploitation of the illegally expropriated industrial facilities and naturalresources in the occupied Crimea threatens access to the drinking water for the population of thepeninsula.
In addition,, the Russian occupation authorities need more and more water for the development ofthe military infrastructure and military industry facilities as well as military personnel build-up.
The situation is complicated with the active relocation by the Russian Federation of its citizens to theoccupied Crimea in order to change the demographic composition of the peninsula. These actions ofthe occupying power constitute a war crime and require proper reaction of the internationalcommunity.
Therefore, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Russian Federation as anoccupying power must ensure social and economic rights and needs of the population in the territoriesunder its control, including basic sanitary and safe water. Russia bears full responsibility for theviolations of such obligations as well as other norms of international humanitarian law and humanrights law. The adoption of this Resolution will be another step towards ensuring such accountability.