Continuing our permanent cooperation with United Nations’ structures, our Association sent submission to UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights this January for Group’s report to Human Rights Council in June 2025 on artificial intelligence issues. This submission, done by Dr. Borys Babin, and Dr. Andrii Chvaliuk, published on UN official web sources now, reminded to UN structures about ARC’s researches about the Russia’s activities in area of the artificial intelligence in the Crimea in different areas.
Our experts stressed, that Russia-controlled “Crimean universities” became a tool for “legalizing” artificial intelligence technologies, stolen by the Russian special services in Western democratic countries or in communist China. ARC’s submission reminded about two our studies on the current situation in the field of “artificial intelligence developments” in Crimea, namely in the field of “medicine and agriculture,” allegedly “conducted” by the so-called “Crimean and Sevastopol scientists”.
Also we researched issues of Russia’s attempts to use artificial intelligence for creating historic fakes in favor or Russian imperialism and activities of the so-called “Center for artificial intelligence and big data analysis of the Institute of physics and technology” of the illegal “Crimean Federal University”.
ARC’s submission stressed that after report of our Association’s expert Olesya Tsybulko in OSCE Human Dimension Meeting “Media Literacy and Democracy” in May, 2024, a month later OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted resolution “Artificial Intelligence and the Fight against Terrorism” where Assebmly deeply concerned by how artificial intelligence can be abused to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, including through the creation of realistic deep fake content and voice cloning technologies, targeting vulnerable groups and facilitating online polarization and radicalization.
ARC’s submission added that, the key challenges for human rights in area of Russia’s usage the artificial intelligence in the Crimea and in other Russia-controlled territories, also as in the Internet and media, are: usage the artificial intelligence’s algorithms in social networks for disseminating fakes, hate speech and propaganda; for counteracting dissidents, human defenders, activists; for creating deepfakes with genocidal, militaristic and racist character; usage the artificial intelligence for system of controlling faces, trips and presence in institutions for relevant racial segregation and repressions; its usage for creating chemical and bacteriologic weapons.
ARC’s submission pointed on examples of Crimean “business” participation as umbrella structures or as hubs for such provocations and preparations to them. Submission added that separate UN OHCHR research must be done on challenges connected with artificial intelligence and information dissemination in conditions of interstate conflicts and relevant disinformation, genocidal calls, hate speech and racist incitements in media and social networks, including business participation in such processes.