On December 3, experts of our Association, in particular Professor Borys Babin, associate professors Olexiy Plotnikov, Eduard Pleshko, Anna Prikhodko and Andrii Chvaliuk took an active part in the International scientific and practical symposium on the topic ‘’The Deportation of the Crimean Tatar People and the Occupation of Crimea: Legal and Humanitarian Aspects‘’.
The event was held online and dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people and Human Rights Day, its co-organizers were the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, San José State University (USA), Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Leading scientists from Lithuania, Turkey, the USA, Indonesia and Ukraine took part in the symposium, which demonstrated the high level of international attention to the topic of crimes against the Crimean Tatar people and modern challenges associated with the occupation of Crimea.
The topics of the reports were devoted to such problematic issues as the deportation of Crimean Tatars as an act of genocide and a deliberate long-term crime against humanity, violation of the rights of indigenous peoples, ways of deoccupation and reintegration of the occupied territories, the cultural heritage and identity of Crimea and the impact of the information war on ethnopolitics in the post-truth era.
As the organizers noted, understanding of events at the level of the international scientific community and their expert assessment are becoming an important basis for shaping public opinion, which in turn affects the adoption of relevant decisions at the state level.
Based on the results of the symposium, an electronic collection of abstracts will be prepared, which will be sent to participants and posted online, in particular, in the School of Information at San José State University (USA).