On October, 11 experts of our Association, Professor Borys Babin and Dr. Anna Prykhodko held working meeting in Kyiv with Researchers of OSCE ODIHR’s Ukraine Monitoring Initiative Orce Bonev and Jordan Winn discussig current framework of challenges to human dimension, caused by Russian aggression. The Bureau plans to publish next interim report on that issues and their activities relate to monitoring violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, including events in occupied Crimea.
ARC experts stressed on importance of OSCE ODIHR activities on this issue and spoke about the our organization’s work over the four years, recalling the preliminary corresponding ongoing interaction with the OSCE, in particular at periodic human dimension meetings in Vienna and current Warsaw Human Dimension Conference.
Professor Babin described the certain examples of human rights’ violations and described the current researches and practices of our Association in framefork of compensations proceedings and victims’ procedural statute.

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