At 22 April our Association’s expert Olesia Tsybulko took active participation in discussions at side-events of OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting “The Role of Civil Society in the Promotion and Protection of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law” held in Vienna.
At side-event “Persecution of Ukrainian Civilians in the Occupied Territories as Crime Against Humanity: Civil Society’s Efforts in Restoring Justice” held by “Human Rights Centre ZMINA” ARC’s expert initiated discussion on perspectives of national and international judicial proceedings on incitements to genocide and crimes against humanity from Russia-controlled “officials”, “bloggers” and “media”.
Expert pointed on relevant demands of new PACE Resolution 2540 (2024), that stressed on Russian actor’s incitements to commit the crime of aggression, genocide and war crimes, that are crimes in itself.
Expert reminded on Report of the UN Special Rapporteur, Tendayi Achiume and relevant UN General Assembly’s resolutions 77/204 and 78/190 that reflected our submissions and noted, with alarm, that Russia’s use of alleged “neo-Nazism” in Ukraine as a pretext to “justify” territorial aggression seriously undermines genuine attempts to combat neoNazism.
Olesia Tsybulko reminded on research the Ukraine’s national judicial practice in cases of Russian agents’ genocidal incitements and stressed that such investigations must be strongly supported, including universal jurisdiction principle. Also Russia’s usage the artificial intelligence for disseminating relevant genocidal incitements must got separate and determined international legal qualification, expert added.
At side-event “Unveiling Intent: Investigating Mens Rea in the context of the forcible transfer of Ukrainian Children by Russia” convened by Netherlands Helsinki Committee ARC’s expert initiated discussion on issues of the perspectives of national judicial proceedings against Kremlin dictator, as in Ukraine so in other OSCE participating states, in cases of deported children.
Expert stressed that there is no immunities for such international crimes and more, now Vladimir Putin is not recognised as Russian President since April by civilised nations as it is pointed in mentioned Resolution 2540 (2024). Olesia Tsybulko added that our experts gave own relevant expertise researches upon request of Ukrainian Prosecutor’s office in relevant investigations.

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