In the last days of 2022, the criminal Russain invaders-controlled “chairman of the accounts chamber” Anatoly Zaichenko, stated that the alleged “development of the Crimean economy” “will definitely continue in the coming years.”

At the same time, he called the main alleged “indicator” the illegal “development program” of the occupied Crimea, through which the occupiers “laundered” 20.7 billion rubles in 2022, with a total amount of its criminal “federal program expenses” since 2014 of 1.397 billion.

It would seem that the “figure is impressive”, although even if we “believe” these statistics, then in 2022 the volume of illegal “federal investments” amounted to 13% of the “average annual”, even if we consider this volume as the “minimal”.

But the thing is, first of all, on the eve of large-scale Russian aggression, since January 2022, the Kremlin stopped the criminal “targeted financing” of this illegal “program”, “re-issuing” “sources of additional funding” to “current”, and therefore all Crimean “financiers” are fine understand that the “Kremlin artificial respiration” regime for the “economy of the peninsula”, which has been destroyed since 2014, is coming to an end.

In this dimension, the “soothing” mantras of the same Zaichenko that the allegedly fake “Crimea’s own incomes have increased by 2.5 times since 2014” can only “please” people who are far from economics and finance.

The point is not only that these fictitious “incomes” since 2015 have been “formed” by the occupiers precisely from “deductions from federal funding”, it is also worth pointing out the methodology for counting from the “wizards” of the illegal “accounts chamber”.

The fact is that they considered the “income of 2014 of the year” “calculating from the hryvnia to the ruble” at an undervalued exchange rate, but the inflated “income of 2022” were “measured” by them just “in the ruble”, which fell during this time at least twice regarding exchange rate with he dollar, even not counting inflation.

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