In mid-February, the occupiers-controlled Crimean and Sevastopol “media” spread statements that “in Sevastopol they are actively creating their own artificial intelligence”, stating that “on the basis of open-source neural networks, for example, they are creating a drone control platform”, which “can coordinate drones even without a GPS signal”, and also allegedly on the occupied peninsula artificial intelligence is “being introduced into the sphere of security, medicine, business, agriculture, geodesy, as well as into environmental protection and geological exploration”.
At the same time, the aggressor’s propaganda refers to a certain “representative of the Ainergy company Roman Nosenko”, who allegedly stated that “although full-fledged neural network models have not yet been developed in Crimea, they are working intensively on their creation and implementation”, with an emphasis on the alleged use of artificial intelligence “in the sphere of business”.
We have previously written about the occupier’s provocations in the field of artificial intelligence, and now it is worth clarifying a number of issues regarding the “organizational structure” of the aforementioned figures.
The statements of the occupiers clearly refer to the company “Ainergy”, registered in 2024 in St. Petersburg, with “founders” in the form of the structure “IT Garage” and Vladimir Molodyk, who lives in Sevastopol, and is also declared the CEO of “Ainergy”. But the “founders” of the Sevastopol “firm” “IT Garage”, declared since the end of 2022, are hidden, and Maria Tretyakova “manages” this structure for “providing other financial services”.
It is obvious that “IT Garage” is a financial shell for activities in the field of artificial intelligence, and in addition to “Ainergy”, it is declared a “founder” in the St. Petersburg structures “Vistek Rus”, “Gamma Tech”, “Itpay”, as well as in the Sevastopol “firms” “Risky”, “Willis” and “Robocorp”.
The “co-founders” of the aforementioned “Robocorp” in the occupiers’ “registers” are Alexey Kabanov, Alexey Chuklin and Sergey Dudnikov, and since February 2025, the aforementioned Chuklin has been declared the “director” of this structure.
In December 2024, Ukraine already imposed sanctions against Alexey Chuklin as the so-called “director” of the “Interregional Scientific and Educational Center of World Class “MoreAgroBioTech”, operating on the basis of the sanctioned “Sevastopol State University” and participating in the development of the surface drone “Sargan”.
Previously, the same Chuklin was a co-founder of the Moscow “Russian Technological Society”, as a structure for the “development of the digital economy”, and now in occupied Sevastopol, in addition to the aforementioned structures, he “heads” the recently created “United design bureau” “Sfera”.
Well, Sergey Dudnikov was previously listed in Moscow as a founder, co-founder or director of many different structures, including, for example, the “Fashion House of Irina Agapova”.
Thus, all the above-described activities of these individuals, both in the development of sea drones and in relation to artificial intelligence in the field drones, is not some kind of “private initiative”, but a direct implementation of the tasks of the aggressor’s government.
This is also proven by the biography of the “director” of “IT Garage” Maria Tretyakova, previously noticed in the role of “head” of the “Crimean State Fund for Support of Entrepreneurship of Crimea”, with hidden “founders” since 2014.
After Tretyakova, this “fund” is “headed” by Simferopol resident Vladislav Ganzhara, who until 2019 was a “state council deputy” for the occupiers and the activities of this structure are openly supervised by the occupiers’ illegal “ministry of economy”.
Our Association will continue a thorough analysis of further provocations by the occupiers and Russian special services in the field of artificial intelligence for its use as a weapon of aggression and other large-scale violations of international law.

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