According to statements by the occupation “media”, recently in Kerch, punitive forces threw Vitaly Burik, a local member of Jehovah’s Witnesses, into a detention center and then “placed him under house arrest”, “initiating a criminal case for organizing the activities of an extremist organization”. Also, “searches” on this matter were conducted at the home of Kerch resident Artem Shabliy, who had previously been “convicted” by the occupiers because of his affiliation with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
But the most noteworthy thing here is not the repressions against believers themselves, but the statements that simultaneously appeared in Crimean propaganda that “Vladislav Roslyakov, who committed a terrorist attack at the Kerch Polytechnic in 2018, and his mother belonged to the Kerch cell of Jehovah’s Witnesses”.
Let us recall, that then, as a result of the explosion and shooting in the aforementioned “college”, 21 people from among the “students and staff of the educational institution” died, including the alleged attacker Roslyakov; a total of 67 people were injured.
At the time of the terrorist attack, “Jehovah’s Witnesses” were already banned and persecuted by the occupiers, but this “religious trace” was not raised by either the punishers or the “press” at that time, due to their obvious and deliberate absurdity.
Roslyakov’s mother, a nurse at the local oncology dispensary Galina, was indeed a member of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, but Vladislav refused to participate in religious meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses long before the Kerch shooting.
Among other things, before the shooting in the “college”, Roslyakov not only allegedly acquired and “registered” a firearm, which clearly does not correspond to the activities of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, but also, for example, burned personal belongings and the Bible.
On the other hand, the aggressor’s punishers themselves, including personally the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin, in 2018, posthumously putting forward Roslyakov as both the perpetrator and the organizer of the Kerch terrorist attack, mainly named the bullying of peers as his motives, due to the poverty of the “student”.
Vladislav’s parents were divorced, he lived with the aforementioned mother and rarely communicated with his father, an alcoholic and disabled person who had no relation to any religion.
They began to “hate” him in the “college”, for example, for refusing to participate in various corruption collections “for the needs of the leadership”, for which the “teachers” punished the entire group.
But Roslyakov did not hand over money for extortions not because of some convictions, but due to a banal lack of funds. However, now the Kerch tragedy will clearly be rewritten to fit the “current issues”, and it is possible that “confessions” will now be beaten out of the Kerch “Jehovah’s Witnesses” to “coordinating the terrorist act” of 2018, naturally including both the “Ukrainian” and “Crimean Tatar” traces.
As we wrote about this a week ago, the new gauleiter of long-suffering Kerch, the former “director” of that very “Kerch Polytechnic College” and “faithful member of United Russia” Denis Kolesnik got to his “position” for a very reason, and his role in the tragic events of the shooting on October 17, 2018, as a puppet of the Russian special services, is not entirely clear.
We then pointed out that Kolesnik, who knows too much and is clearly ready for much, was now chosen by the occupiers for the role of the Kerch Gauleiter not by chance, and what bloody provocations of the aggressor’s punishers he was appointed to cover up in his new “position” – the near future will show.
Now it is clear that the Kremlin’s special services have decided to start with “rewriting” the history of the Kerch shooting itself.

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