As it follows from June discussions in Sevastopol social networks, the occupiers began to massively notify the population about the “increase in the subscription fee for wired radio broadcasting communication services,” and if previously the amount was 51.54 rubles per radio point from residents, 55 rubles for “state and municipal institutions” and 83.5 rubles from “other legal entities,” then now the population will pay 57.24 rubles.
Theoretically, this “service” for “broadcasting three radio stations: “Radio Rossii”, “Mayak” and the city wire radio of the Sevastopol TV and Radio Company” and “receiving an emergency alert signal, as well as receiving socially significant information” can be refused, but this procedure is long and dreary, so the majority of the population traditionally paid “for Mayak,” without listening to this propaganda.
The situation has changed in the last two years, since it was the “wire broadcast” that was supposed to notify the public of air raid warnings; and now Sevastopol residents write that “paid notifications about missile attacks are cool… Are air-raid shelters still free?” They also state that, under the guise of “strengthening civil defense,” the beneficiaries of wired radio “will slowly cover the entire city.”
Here we note that this scam, which allows to easily “pump out” several million from Sevastopol every month “for Mayak and for the alarms”, however, now, since January 2024, only through the “governor’s” “Digital Innovation” (“Tsifrovyie Innovatsiyi”) pad, has a special nature in the occupied city.
It is not carried out by some “private owners,” as it recently “suddenly became clear” for city’s ferry passenger boats, but by such a “federal institution” as the “Russian Broadcasting and Warning Networks” from the aggressor’s Ministry of Digital Development, which operates as a completely “official” and “government” “warning service for civil defense”, and only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol and “with a representative office in Sochi.”
These “Russian Networks” were formed at the beginning of the 21st century on the basis of the former Moscow and Leningrad city relay networks of the Soviet period, and in the occupied city they created the illegal “Sevastopol Broadcasting and Warning Networks”, which since the end of 2023 have been “led” by Irina Momot and Ekaterina Titova.
And if now the former “Sevastopol entrepreneur in the hotel industry” and the criminal “head of the Roskomnadzor department” of the occupiers in Crimea and Sevastopol since 2014, Momot, who is photographed with the “Night Wolves”, prefers “a minimum of publicity”, then it is generally known about her “right hand” Titova from Krasnoperekopsk only that in 2023 she successfully “filed bankruptcy” from the “Sevastopol arbitration manager.”
However, these swindlers from Nadezhda Ostrovskaya Street, 6 and their Moscow curators, in addition to “selling alarm signals,” do not shy away from other forms of “part-time work”: on the basis of “Sevastopol Networks” they organized a completely commercial Internet provider “RSVO-PRO”, which allegedly “builds high-quality and reliable networks using GPON technology.”
“For the future,” these swindlers have a good allocation of “budget funds” for Sevastopol, specifically regarding the “implementation of integrated security systems,” “operation of multi-level warning systems,” and “sound technical maintenance”; it is obvious that the financial appetites of these “ether sellers” will be only increase.