As the aggressor’s “media” stated last week, allegedly “400 kilograms of butter from Crimea were destroyed in the Chelyabinsk boiler room”, while it was indicated that part of the butter, namely 120 kilograms, “the supplier managed to ship to children’s institutions”.
The butter was destroyed, at the request of the Rosselkhoznadzor, by the Chelyabinsk firm “Astor”, and it manufactured the product itself by “reducing the fat content” of the obtained butter, as well as dry milk from OOO “Mosalsky Molokozavod”, allegedly released on June 7, but received in Chelyabinsk from a certain “Ryazan supplier”.
At the same time, the ill-fated butter was received from “Astor” not only by three children’s camps in Chelyabinsk, Karabash and Argayash, but also, for example, by consumers in the Krasnodar Territory and other aggressor’s regions.
The basis for the Rosselkhoznadzor’s demands was the “revealed absence of a manufacturer” at the Crimean address declared by the “dairy plant”, namely in Gaspra on the Yuzhnoberezhne Highway, as well as in the Simferopol village of Konstantinovka.
It should be noted that at this address and the neighboring one in Konstantinovka there are buildings used by the “Crimean Dessert” structure of the Yevpatoria businessman Yuri Legin, who “registered” himself with the occupiers as an “entrepreneur” with an eye on “chocolate production”.
It is unclear under whose “roof” those Willy Wonkas operated in Yalta, since the Gaspra address indicated by the Rosselkhoznadzor is clearly inaccurate, and the construction company “Alima km” may be located there; however, there is definitely no real dairy plant or specialized workshop in Gaspra.
Earlier, before the “Yalta coordinates”, the “Mosalsky Molokozavod” declared the address of its production to be “a small house in the village” of Kuzmino-Domozhirovo in the Tula region, also “exposed” by the Rosselkhoznadzor.
Here we note, that, despite the threatening letters and “burning the butter alive”, the scammers from the “Mosalsky Molokozavod” are doing quite well. Among other things, yogurts, cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir and other products are being massively distributed throughout the aggressor-controlled territory under this sign, with similarly fake “production addresses”.
Perhaps this should be explained by the fact that the co-founder of the “dairy plant” is a certain Evgeny Radyuk, whose “full namesake” was appointed in 2017 as a judge of the Arkhangelsk district court.
Another co-founder is the “famous Kaluga dairymaid” Evgeniya Zyl, noted for her litigation in the “Ferzikovo Dairy Plant”, where she is suing Lithuanian co-founders such as Eidukaitis Pranas and Yasaitis Marius.
Moreover, the third businessman of Lithuanian origin from this enterprise, Jonkus Vidmantas, is declared the general director of the “Mosalsky Dairy Plant”.
Therefore, it is extremely likely that these swindlers did not choose the “Crimean production address” by chance, counting on “support for the export of Crimean products to third countries” in the future.
It is also extremely likely that the current Chelyabinsk scandal was caused exclusively by a “temporary misunderstanding” between these businessmen and the Ural office of the Rosselkhoznadzor, which thought of googling the addresses of the “intergalactic dairymen” and did not receive a timely bribe from them for “interruptions in the network”.

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