On the night of September 9, the occupiers announced the “election results” for Sevastopol, and in the morning of September 9 – for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
As it was predicted, the falsification of the “turnout” was brought this time almost to the Kremlin’s demands of 50%: in occupied Sevastopol, allegedly “49.05% of voters voted”.
Since, as we wrote earlier, this show began in Sevastopol earlier, and in Crimea it was “only” three days, there, accordingly, they gave a slightly lower “turnout” figure, at “44.1% of voters”.
As described earlier, in all “single-mandate districts for elections to regional parliaments” of both Crimea and Sevastopol, “victory of United Russia candidates” was declared.
At the same time, the “percentage of support” for the “party in power” was drawn according to the previously announced “Kremlin standards” of “three quarters”, in Sevastopol “71.62%” and in Crimea “74.63%.
The Sevastopol gauleiters “did not reach” the “Kremlin bar” for an interesting reason: as it turned out, in Moscow at the last moment they demanded to “reformat” the so-called “official opposition”.
In the “legislative assembly” one “deputy seat” on the “lists” was decided to be allocated not only to the terrorists from the “LDPR” described by us, but also to the communists, as well as to the new Kremlin toy, the political project “New People”, which, by means of a simple manipulation with “percentages”, will receive “two seats” at once. The latter are generally unknown to anyone in Sevastopol, and until the last moment the local clans did not take them seriously.
In the AR of Crimea, in “Konstantinov’s fiefdom”, the collaborators also fulfilled the new Moscow inputs, giving in the “state council” a “couple of mandates” each to the same “LDPR” and the communists, but there, apparently, they managed to “bargain” without the “New People”. Additionally, a separate scam was uncovered in the “Saksky district”, where almost at the last moment, Konstantinov’s people gave the “mandate” to the “candidate” from “A Just Russia” as an “honorary prize” after Moscow’s persistent demand.

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