On June 24-25, the 3rd International Forum of the Expert Network of the Crimean Platform took place in Kyiv.
Among the participants of the event are representatives of the Expert Network of the Crimean Platform, independent experts, including ARC’ representatives Dr. Borys Babin, Dr. Andrii Chvaliuk and Dr. Anna Prikhodko, representatives of state bodies of Ukraine, international analytical centers, non-governmental organizations, representatives of the diplomatic corps of the countries participating in the International Crimean Platform and the academic community.
The goals of the forum are to assess the current state of Ukraine as of the summer of 2024, to develop recommendations for the liberation of Crimea and the establishment of sustainable peace, to formulate recommendations to government circles and partner countries to reduce the aggressor’s ability to finance war, to develop a vision for further support to Ukraine, as well as to define approaches to recovery of its economy.
The work of the forum consisted of several panel discussions.
At one of the discussions, the issue of justice for Crimea was discussed. The speakers emphasized the inevitability of Russia’s responsibility for crimes committed both during the occupation of Crimea and during the subsequent aggression in Ukraine.

The participants also paid attention to the issue of restarting the global sanctions policy, supporting the proposal on the need to address the Euro-Atlantic institutions to ensure new approaches to sanctions against the aggressor.

Due attention was paid to the problem of including indigenous peoples in the peace-building process. During the profile panel discussion, its participants called on all nationalities and nationalities to unite in strengthening opposition to Russia.

At the same time, the issues of the economy, socio-economic development of the border for the entire Black Sea region, as well as the cultural strategy of Ukraine were discussed on the second day.

Ruslan Deremedved, press attaché of the Association

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