After the Kremlin dictator appointed Oleg Savelyev as deputy of the new Russia’s defense minister Andrei Belousov and as chief of his staff on May 20, Crimean collaborators, including the criminal Sergei Aksyonov, began hastily scattering panegyrics on this issue, calling the newly-minted “military leader” nothing less than “a professional in his field”.
The fact that Belousov took the former auditor of the aggressor’s accounting chamber into his team is not surprising, since from 2008 to 2014, together with Savelyev and the current chief financier of the Kremlin, Elvira Nabiullina, they worked in the Russia’s Ministry of economic development.
Well, Savelyev’s further criminal role as “Minister for Crimean affairs”, which he served from the beginning of the occupation until 2015, “earning” himself personal sanctions from the civilized countries of the world, somewhat explains the current hasty “public reaction” in Simferopol.
Let us note that until 2008, Savelyev made a career as a PR specialist in the Russian Federation, serving the elections of the “Our Home is Russia” bloc, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Yakovlev in the elections of the governor of St. Petersburg, the later murdered Alexander Lebed, and so on.
In January 1999, Savelyev became a co-founder and general director of the PR agency “PR-System”, and then, among other things, “was involved in federal target programs”, also mainly on the “information component”.
It is not surprising that in 2014 Savelyev became an active lobbyist for the criminal “program of socio-economic development” of the occupied Crimea, which the occupiers actually suspended on the eve of the large-scale invasion, from the beginning of 2022. However, Savelyev, with the “light hand” of his then direct boss Dmitry Medvedev, was not allowed to personally profit from the theft of billions from this “program”.
As it was stated by former policeman and Crimean collaborator Vladimir Mertsalov, who was for some time declared to be the criminal “head of the anti-corruption committee of the Crimean government,” Savelyev was “squeezed out” of the occupied Crimea because he allegedly “prevented the theft of the budget”, by “abolishing the federal ministry for Crimea.”
It is noteworthy that this “transfer to the attic” was then actively lobbied by Dmitry Medvedev himself, petitioning the Kremlin for these “transformations.” Now, obviously, the new “big commander” will have a strong desire to get even with his “worst friends” in the Crimea, including some characters “actively enjoying” his new role.

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