The epic with the “allocation of land plots for veterans” of Russian aggression in occupied Crimea has been going on for a year now. Previously, we wrote about the “cutting” in the spring of last year of these “plots” on abandoned agricultural lands near the village of Lesnovka, between this settlement and the outskirts of Saki, which until 1991 were in the permanent “fertilizer zone” of the Saki chemical plant.
The occupiers announced the next area near Okunevka (Tarpanchi) and last fall the criminal “head of the administration of the Chernomorsky district” announced that “150 hectares will be allocated in the village of Medvedeve – which is five thousand plots.” Let us note that in Medvedeve (Tabuldy As), ten kilometers away from the sea, one and a half thousand people live, and in this area there are traditional problems with water and soils for agriculture.
Now the occupiers have announced another “palmyra” in the form of “676 plots” in the village of Privetne (Bolek-Adzhi), located between Yevpatoriya and Donuzlav, also at a fair distance from the sea and from infrastructure. The occupiers claim that in total they have “formed 1,500 plots” and they clearly talk about these four areas.
All these “oases” have one thing in common: the lack of water and sewerage, electricity and gas, location on low-quality land, sufficient distance, except for Okunevka, from the coast.
Therefore, it is not surprising that even in Okunevka, criminal “veterans”, according to the fake “deputy minister of property and land relations” Anatoly Zaichenko, “simply did not reach us. The plots are reserved for them, and as soon as they finish urgent matters and come to us, we will issue orders”.
However, the collaborators themselves promise to begin such “urgent matters” as “work to resolve infrastructure issues, so that roads are laid to the sites, electricity, gas and water are provided” in some “bright future.”