At the beginning of August, we wrote about “insiders” from the aggressor-controlled “Crimean media” about an alleged “investigation of fraud” against the administrators of one of the occupiers’ propaganda telegram channels. It was reported that the channel of supposedly “insiders” from the aggressor military is run by the fake “editor-in-chief of the information portal” of the occupiers “Crimea 24” Anastasia Zhukova and the “unemployed resident of Sevastopol” Vladimir Romanov.

However, no one arrested the “military correspondent and blogger” Romanov, and now, as “competing structures” write, “a new mess has arisen with the collection of humanitarian aid in Sevastopol”.
Now Romanov himself has “leaked an insider” about the prospect of closing the “volunteer headquarters” “We are together Sevastopol”, located “on Lenin Street in a commercial 400 square meters” together with the “freelance media service” of the criminal “governor” Razvozhaev.

The Razvozhaev-controlled “volunteer headquarters” really became famous not only for extorting money from “Sevastopol entrepreneurs” supposedly “for the needs of the front” and laundering the corresponding funds, but also for dumping clothes collected “for the displaced” into the casemates of the 16th battery, which we wrote about last year. Naturally, the “governor’s volunteers” began to “violently refute” Romanov, but with an emphasis that they were allegedly not closing but “simply moving,” since previously “the governor personally paid for the expensive rent.”

Let us recall that “by a strange coincidence” a couple of days ago publications were published by “volunteer” Anastasia Makeeva, aka Shaikhutdinova, from the occupiers’ fake structure “Heart of Sevastopol”, which previously constantly organized “collections” for criminal “assistance” to the aggressor army. This “activist” suddenly began to write quite frank things about the “commercial spirit of those who help the fighters” of the occupiers, while not hiding her own interest in a “new position” somewhere “not far from Tokmak”.

And therefore, our recent forecasts about the Sevastopol consequences of the “Melitopol struggle without rules” between Evgeny Balitsky and Razvozhaev’s protégé Sergei Tolmachev are apparently beginning to come true and the criminal “governor” is beginning to “convey warm greetings” precisely along the line of “humanitarian aid stolen from the front”.

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