We have already written about the collaborators’ “Olympic demarche” from the criminal “state council of Crimea”, including the infamous Vladimir Konstantinov, regarding the decisions of the IOC Executive Board on additional requirements for the aggressor’s athletes.

And although the position of the IOC clearly does not fully meet the requirements of the democratic community and international law, and the Kremlin’s sports bosses criminally rush, in the words of the aggressor’s minister of sports, at the “ajar door”, it is obvious that the aggressor expected much more from Lausanne, and that the criminal “Crimean sport” in any case remains “overboard” of the Olympic processes.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the statements of the Kremlin puppets in the style of “green grapes” could be heard precisely from the criminal “state council” from Simferopol.

Also, the Crimean criminal “authorities”, including the fake “ministry of sports”, decided to “fortify themselves” and collected “in support of the position” a number of statements from sports collaborators, which generally boil down to the general thesis “we have nothing to do at those Olympics”.

However, the “talking sports heads” assembled by the occupiers, such as Crimean resident Aleksey Sokirsky, an athlete who has been playing for the aggressor since 2015 and did not get to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro after a “doping scandal”, weightlifter Artem Ivanov, who moved to the occupied Crimea from Dnipro in 2014 and has since tried to “slip” from Russia to the Olympic events, Ukrainian champion in shooting at the 2008 Olympic Games, Crimean resident Artur Ayvazyan, who has been cooperating with the occupiers since 2014, as well as two “veterans of sports of the Soviet period”: the criminal occupiers’s “vice-president of the Olympic Council” Vitaly Romanov and the criminal functionary of the “regional headquarters of the All-Russian popular front” Rustem Kazakov, there are several common features.

All of them, being citizens of Ukraine since 2014, began to cooperate criminally with the aggressor, and over the past nine years they have not achieved any significant sports or social, coaching results, and could not come, and at the moment they cannot get into the Olympics in any role.

However, the Crimean athletes really have good chances to show results in Paris in 2024, of course, as part of the Ukrainian Olympic team.

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