On February 21, the aggressor’s propaganda spread “fuel” statements by the criminal “Deputy chairman of the council of ministers for economy and finance of the Zaporizhzha region”, Crimean collaborator Andrei Kozenko.

This representative of the criminal family of Sergei Aksyonov and at the same time the godfather of Denis Pushilin illegally announced that the mentioned criminal “administration” seized “gas stations” in the occupied part of the region and “distributed” them among illegal “operators” of “network gas stations”, including “Crimean” ones.

At the same time, Kozenko stated that in this area the occupational criminal “officials” would “regulate prices”, among other things, promising gas fuel for 23 rubles a liter, which is allegedly “2 rubles cheaper than in the Crimea”, but the source of such “unprecedented generosity” was not indicated.

It should be noted that until 2021 Kozenko played the criminal role of the “Crimean” deputy of the aggressor’s State Duma, but later he was removed from this sinecure.

As part of the struggle between the collaborators’ groupings in 2019-2020, the aggressor’s punishers “ran into” the Yalta developer Dmitry Tukaev, who was connected with Kozenko, and Aksenov’s protégé, the criminal “mayor” of occupied Yalta Andrey Rostenko.

Before the start of the Russia’s large-scale aggression, Andrei Kozenko “surfaced” in the role of the criminal “coordinator of the Russia-Donbass committee”, then, from the summer of 2022, he was noted in the above-mentioned criminal role of the “member of the administration” of the Russian occupiers in Melitopol.

Obviously, all the frauds with the illegal sale of oil products that Kozenko is going to “control” will be connected with the occupied Crimea, including the possible production of gas condensate there, as well as scams with the production of “gasoline” from it at the “gray” enterprises of the occupied peninsula.

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