“Onslaught the Mount Sapun” andSwindlers of the Sevastopol Occupation Administration

“Onslaught the Mount Sapun” andSwindlers of the Sevastopol Occupation Administration

The occupying authorities continue to try to use the historical and cultural monuments of Sevastopolfor propaganda purposes, but not always successfully. Despite the fact that the issues of ideology andpropaganda, in particular the events of…

The Occupants Make the Citizens ofCrimea Feel on Top of the World Becauseof a Strange Ooze Instead of Drinking-Water

The Occupants Make the Citizens ofCrimea Feel on Top of the World Becauseof a Strange Ooze Instead of Drinking-Water

In social networks, the citizens of Crimea are tirelessly publishing the pictures with the complaints onwater the local authority makes them feel on top of the world. Thus, in microdistrict Kamenka, inSimferopol, drinking water delivered…

The Parturient Women from the Maternity Home of Yevpatoria Shared the Photos of a Horrible Condition of the MedicalInstitution

The Parturient Women from the Maternity Home of Yevpatoria Shared the Photos of a Horrible Condition of the MedicalInstitution

In the social networks, the photos of Yevpatoria maternity home were published. In the pictures, onecan see a horrible condition of the shower room for pregnant ladies. The parturient women of the cityhave complained before…

In Sevastopol, the residents of the allotment associations are cut off fromthe outside world because there are noroads

In Sevastopol, the residents of the allotment associations are cut off fromthe outside world because there are noroads

In Sevastopol, the residents of eight allotment associations in Yukharina Balka have to get to schools,hospitals, and work places through the forest and field, as far as there are no roads.Thus, the allotment association TAVRIA…