In early October, residents of the long-suffering Feodosia began to note that “the tap water smells of rottenness, mold,” and that this smell and taste are not eliminated even after boiling.
Let us recall, that the occupiers supply Feodosia, Kerch and other settlements of Eastern Crimea from local reservoirs, where water is transferred through the bed of the North Crimean Canal from underground sources and reservoirs of natural runoff near Belogorsk (Karasubazar).
To “calm the population,” the occupiers predictably deployed their collaborator Anatoly Petrov from his permanent chair in illegal structure “Housing and Public Utilities Control of Republic of Crimea” created by the “Crimean government” to “educate the population,” that is, specifically for propaganda.
From the stream of consciousness of this figure about “constant improvements and development” it is worth citing only Petrov’s confessions about the resumption by the occupiers, after the aggressor blew up the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, of the work of the infamous Beshterek-Zuysky water intake, as well as the launch of “underground water intakes at the Alminske groundwater deposit”.
Also interesting is Petrov’s “bird language” that allegedly “measures are being taken in a timely manner to disinfect underground sources of drinking water supply” but that “by 2030 it is planned to modernize the existing engineering infrastructure in the field of water supply and sanitation at the expense of various sources of funding”.
Translated into human language, this means, that the occupiers actually understand the nature of water pollution “from underground sources” in Feodosia, and also do not have in the near future either the means or the technology to improve the situation.

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